
Gwent online wikia
Gwent online wikia

While winning a round by going all-in looks impressive, if your opponent still has two or three cards left in their hand, you are likely going to lose the next one and then the game. The primary one is that you play to outlast the enemy. However, there is a number of tricks that stay true regardless of which type of deck you play. The strategy for winning the game will greatly depend on the deck and your hand.In some cases, this can be vital - on other, it can be used to effectively skip a turn. Leader cards offer a special ability that can be used once per play.Weather cards reduce the strength of ALL cards of a given type on the battlefield, including your own, while others allow you to destroy powerful units or return those on your side of the battlefield to your hand. These can turn around the game - mastering them is essential. Certain unit cards have special abilities, which allow you to draw additional cards, return discarded units to the battlefield, increase the point value (morale) of other cards in the row, destroy enemy units in the opposing row, and more.Special cards are discarded after they're played, while units are placed on the game board in the appropriate row. There are three types of unit cards in the game: Close Combat, Ranged Combat, and Siege Combat.Once the round ends and the winner is decided, the battlefield is cleared and the score resets to zero. A player will pass automatically if they run out of cards. A tie will result in both players losing a life gem. A round is won when your score is higher than your opponent's. The objective is to win two rounds, removing both life gems from the opponent - and preventing them from doing the same.Note that you will not draw any more cards during the game, unless you possess units with the Espionage ability. After drawing the cards, you can swap out two cards from your hand - or press Escape to skip this step if you're satisfied with the cards you have.At the beginning of each round, both players draw ten cards from their decks, on top of their Leader card.Skellige - 2 random Unit cards from the graveyard are placed on the battlefield at the start of the third round.Monsters - Keeps a random Unit Card on the battlefield after each round.

gwent online wikia

Scoia'tael - Decides who takes the first turn of a battle.

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Northern Realms - Grants an extra card after every victorious round.Nilfgaardian Empire - Wins any round that ends in a draw.Each faction features a number of unique cards that encourage a different style of play. You can build one deck for each of the five Factions - Nilfgaard, Northern Realms, Monsters, Scoia'tael and Skellige. Gwent players use their own customized decks.

gwent online wikia

The players are generals, and the cards are their forces. Gwent is an ancient dwarven game that simulates the clash of two armies in battle.

Gwent online wikia